Register Your Account
If you are an existing Emissions Test Only Facility, Test and Repair Facility, Fleet Facility, or VIN Verification Only Facility, use the form below to create a new user account. (If you are not an existing facility, go to Information and Application for Prospective Facilities.)
Please enter your Facility Number, matching Facility Zip Code and other information in the field below and click Submit. Your Facility Number will often be two letters followed by 7 digits. Enter the full ID (EXAMPLES: Test Only or Test and Repair Facilities format like ST0000999 not 999; if you are a fleet station, use format like FL0000999 not 999). For VIN Verification Only centers, your Facility Number will be "CTVIN" followed by 4 digits (example: enter CTVIN0999, not 999). Questions? Call us at 1-877-4MYCTVIP (877-469-2884) or email